
There are primarily two types of reports PDF and CSV.

CSV Export

Creating a report under “CSV Export” sends a CSV file to your browser, which can then be downloaded and/or viewed with any spreadsheet application.

Reports and Fields Used

Some reports will limit the number of days that can be run at one time.

Activity Report

Access Level: Unlimited User

Handles Overlapping Time: No

Fields Used: Start Date, End Date

Columns: (“Date”, “Week”, “Start Time”, “End Time”, “Time”, “Activity”, “Last Name”, “First Name”, “Client ID”, “Note ID”, “Billing Code”, “QA Tag”, “Creator”, “Creator ID”, “Rate Code”, “Billable”)

Description: Returns all Progress Note activity for a period of time.

Billable Report

Access Level: Unlimited User

Handles Overlapping Time: No

Fields Used: Start Date, End Date

Columns: (“Date”, “Week”, “Start Time”, “End Time”, “Time”, “Activity”, “Last Name”, “First Name”, “Client ID”, “Note ID”, “Billing Code”, “Creator”, “Creator ID”, “Rate Code”)

Description: Returns Progress Notes marked “Billable”.

Billable Service Units

Access Level: Unlimited User

Handles Overlapping Time: Yes

Fields Used: Service Type, Sum By, Start Date, End Date, Clients

Columns: (“Month/Date”, “Client ID”, “Client Code”, “Last Name”, “First Name”, “Service Code”, “Service Funder”, “Client Funder”, “Billable Time”, “Units”)

Description: Returns billable time per client and units summed by day or month. Any overlapping time is accounted for in time and units. During the transition to the MCOs, there will be two funder columns. Service Funder is the funder associated with the service type. Client funder is associated with the Client, which should be an MCO.

Billing Client Report

Access Level: Accounting

Handles Overlapping Time: No

Fields Used: Billing, Service Type, Start Date, End Date, Clients

Columns: (“Client ID”, “Client Code”, “Last Name”, “First Name”, “Total Time”, “Units”, “Client Memo”, “Date Billed”, “Start Date”, “End Date”, “Service Type”, “Service Code”, “Memo”)

Description: Returns billings by Client for a given period of time. Billings are Progress Notes that have been marked “billed”.

Billings Report

Access Level: Accounting

Handles Overlapping Time: No

Fields Used: Service Type, Start Date, End Date

Columns: (“Date Billed”, “Start Date”, “End Date”, “Service Type”, “Service Code”, “Units”, “Total Time”, “Memo”)

Description: Returns billings for a given period of time. Billings are Progress Notes that have been marked “billed”.

Client Report

Access Level: QA Access

Fields Used: None

Columns: (“LastName”, “FirstName”, “MiddleName”, “SSN”, “DOB”, “Diagnosis”, “Medicaid”, “Insurance”, “Insurance Number”, “Address1”, “Address2”, “ZipCode”, “Group”, “RateCode”, “ClientCode”)

Description: Returns unarchived client information for the current group.


Access Level: Unlimited User

Handles Overlapping Time: No

Fields Used: Start Date, End Date

Columns: (“SID”, “Contact Date”, “Start Time”, “End Time”, “Duration”, “Service Type”, “Contact Type”, “Activity Type”, “Provider ID”, “User ID”, “Date Entered”, “Location”)

Description: Returns contacts formated for import by PCHS MIS system. BI clients are not included in this report.

CSA PCHS Extended

Access Level: Unlimited User

Handles Overlapping Time: No

Fields Used: Start Date, End Date

Columns: (“SID”, “Last Name”, “First Name”, “Contact Date”, “Start Time”, “End Time”, “Duration”, “Service Type”, “Description”, “Contact Type”, “Description”, “Activity Type”, “Description”, “Provider ID”, “User ID”, “Display Name”, “Date Entered”, “Location”, “Service Location”, “PNote ID”, “QA TAG”, “Billable”)

Description: Returns contacts based on the CSA PCHS Export, but formated for readability and a few extra fields. BI clients are not included in this report.

Client Address Book

Access Level: Unlimited User

Handles Overlapping Time: N/A

Fields Used:

Columns: (“First Name”, “Last Name”, “Display Name”, “Nickname”, “Primary Email”, “Secondary Email”, “Work Phone”, “Home Phone”, “Fax Number”, “Pager Number”, “Mobile Number”, “Home Address”, “Home Address 2”, “Home City”, “Home State”, “Home ZipCode”, “Home Country”, “Work Address”, “Work Address 2”, “Work City”, “Work State”, “Work ZipCode”, “Work Country”, “Job Title”, “Department”, “Organization”, “Web Page 1”, “Web Page 2”, “Birth Year”, “Birth Month”, “Birth Day”, “Custom 1”, “Custom 2”, “Custom 3”, “Custom 4”, “Notes”)

Description: Returns a list of clients formated for import into a address book, such as Mozilla Thunderbird.

Client Addresses

Access Level: Unlimited User

Handles Overlapping Time: N/A

Fields Used: None

Columns: (“First Name”, “Last Name”, “Address 1”, “Address 2”, “City”, “State”, “Zip”)

Description: Returns a list of client and addresses which can be used to make mailing labels.

Clients by Funder

Access Level: Unlimited User

Handles Overlapping Time: N/A

Fields Used: None

Columns: (“Client_ID”, “Last Name”, “First Name”, “Funder”)

Description: Returns the current group’s clients and their associated funder/payer.

Contact Report

Access Level: Unlimited User

Handles Overlapping Time: No

Fields Used: Start Date, End Date

Columns: (“Client ID”, “Last Name”, “First Name”, “Disability”, “Face-to-Face”, “Telephone”, “Collateral”, “Total”)

Description: Returns Progress Note contacts (Face-to-Face, Telephone, etc). Primarily used for contact analysis.

Contact Report (CSA CM Billable)

Access Level: Unlimited User

Handles Overlapping Time: No

Fields Used: Start Date, End Date

Columns: (“Client ID”, “Last Name”, “First Name”, “Disability”, “Face-to-Face”, “Telephone”, “Collateral”, “Total”, “Billable Units”)

Description: Returns Progress Note contacts (Face-to-Face, Telephone, etc). Primarily used for CSA Case Management contact analysis. Units are Case Management units and based on contacts over two minutes.

Creator Daily Productivity Report

Access Level: Unlimited User

Handles Overlapping Time: Yes

Fields Used: Start Date, End Date, Users

Columns: (“Start Time”, “End Time”, “Group”, “Creator”, “Total”)

Description: Returns note creator(s) billable hours totaled daily. Only counts overlapping time once.

Creator Productivity Report

Access Level: Unlimited User

Handles Overlapping Time: No

Fields Used: Start Date, End Date

Columns: (“Creator_ID”, “Employee”, “Month”, “Num_Notes”, “Total_Time”, “Avg_Contact_Hrs”)

Description: Returns note creator billable hours for the current group. Counts overlapping time totaled monthly.

GP Billing (IHH)

Access Level: Unlimited Users

Handles Overlapping Time: Notes

Fields: Start Date, End Date

Columns: (“InvoiceID”, “InvoiceDate”, “Billing”, “Providing”, “SSN’, “Lname”, “Fname”, “Service”, “BeginDate”, “EndDate”, “Chg”, “Units”, “Fees”, “Credits”, “Amt”, “Notes”, “Deny”, “Customer #”, “Program #”, “Account String”)

Description: Returns billable contact for CSA IHH. Columns are formated for importing into the CSA accounting system and PCHS billing.

Late Entry

Access Level: Unlimited User

Handles Overlapping Time: N/A

Fields Used: Start Date, End Date, Days

Columns: (“Pnote ID”, “Start Time”, “End Time”, “Created”, “Signature”)

Description: Returns Progress Notes that were created over a specfied number of days after the contact date. Enter a number in the Days field to specify what is late. If none is provide the default is 3.

Events (All)

Access Level: Unlimited User

Handles Overlapping Time: N/A

Fields Used: Start Date, End Date

Columns: (“Event Date”, “Last Name”, “First Name”, “SSN”, “Event Group”, “Event Type”, “Group”)

Description: Returns Client events for the defined period of time.

Events (Linked to notes)

Access Level: Unlimited User

Fields Used: Start Date, End Date

Columns: (“Event Date”, “Last Name”, “First Name”, “SSN”, “Event Group”, “Event Type”, “Creator”, “Note ID”, “Group”, “Event ID”)

Description: Returns Client events for the defined period of time, which have been linked to a Progress Note.

Incompletes Report

Access Level: Quality Assurance

Handles Overlapping Time: N/A

Fields Used: Start Date, End Date

Columns: (“Group”, “Incompletes”, “Current Notes”, “Total History”)

Description: Returns the sum of the Progress Note status for a Group; used for QA analysis.

Medicaid Billable Report

Access Level: Quality Assurance

Handles Overlapping Time: No

Fields Used: Start Date, End Date

Columns: (“Date”, “Week”, “Start Time”, “End Time”, “Time”, “Activity”, “Last Name”, “First Name”, “Client ID”, “Billing Code”, “Note ID”, “Creator”, “Creator ID”, “Rate Code”)

Description: Returns Progress Notes with a QA tag of “Billable” and which are linked to an Objective. This as be superseded by the various billable reports.

Notes Overlaps Creation

Access Level: Quality Assurance

Fields: Start Date, End Date

Columns: (“Created Timestamp”,”Start Time”, “End Time”, “Total”, “Note ID”, “Note Creator”, “Group”)

Description: Returns notes created between the stard and end time of the note.

PCHS-GP Billable Units

Access Level: Unlimited User

Handles Overlapping Time: Yes

Fields Used: Service Type, Sum By, Start Date, End Date, Clients

Columns: (“InvoiceID”, “InvoiceDate”, “Billing”, “Providing”, “SSN”, “Lname”, “Fname”, “Service”, “BeginDate”, “EndDate”, “Chg”, “Units”, “Fees”, “Credits”, “Amt”, “Notes”, “Deny”, “Customer #”, “Program #”, “Account String”, “Billable Time”)

Description: Returns billable time per client and units summed by day or month. Any overlapping time is accounted for in time and units. Columns are formated for importing into the CSA accounting system and PCHS billing.

User Report

Access Level: Supervisor

Handles Overlapping Time: N/A

Fields Used: None

Columns: (“User Name”, “Title”, “Employee ID”, “Error Rate”, “Review %”, “Last Login”, “Supervisor”, “Group Name”, “User Created”)

Description: Returns a group’s user information.

User History

Access Level: QA

Handles Overlapping Time: N/A

Fields Used: Start Date, End Date, Users

Columns: (“User”, “Action”, “Created”)

Description: Returns user login history.